
Monday, August 18, 2014

I am Narcissistic...

People tell me all the time that I am narcissistic.  "Oh yeah you know you're cute", they say.

So I admit it...

I know I'm pretty.

But let me tell you what else I know.

I know that the idea of 'pretty' is a joke.

A falsification.  An illusion governed by social law.

Physical beauty is an idea that traps people in their bodies; constrains them to the idea that long hair, pretty eyes, the right skin tone, a sexy body is the measure of their worth.

It is an idea that breeds insecurity,  low self worth, self hatred and negative outlooks on life and the world.  People spend their lives searching for validation in their outer appearance.  Maybe if my eyes were hazel or blue, or if my stomach was smaller, or if I was taller...then maybe just maybe I would be pretty.


Am I pretty because I just so happened to be born with a set of physical characteristics which society has deemed as so?  Or because I have poked, pricked, cut, dyed, bleached, and changed my body to parallel an ever changing social construct?


Am I beautiful because I am exactly who I am supposed to be? Because I know who I am and I know that I am perfect exactly as God/the Creator/the Universe made me?

Check out these links!

Pretty by Katie Makkai                      So Fly by Elle Varner 

My People are More

My people are more. 
More than rap stars and jail birds
video vixens and baby mama’s 
we encompass every professional and artistic sector. 
We are diversity in it's purist definition.

My people are more.
Our characteristics run the gamut 
from big noses to narrow ones
from brown eyes to blue
from tall and lean to thick and voluptuous
from dark to light.
We are the unscathed definition of beauty.

My people are more.
We are opinionated, 

My people are more.
We are the nation’s reason for life
the nation’s 
Unrecognized backbone.

My people are 
the symbol of the earth
the symbol of the heavens 
and the symbol of the sun.

My people are life.


Photo taken from

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Get you some 'Me' Time

Hello beloveds! This video is all about the importance of carving out some time for yourself.  I have scheduled weekly time for myself once a week and this has helped me get focused on my goals,  enhances my self-awareness, and prompts overall self love.  Click the link above to check out my video! 

Much love,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

100 Happy Days Challenge!

Hey guys! Just wanted to do a quick post about the start of my 100 Happy Days Challenge.  Basically all you do is either post (on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the #100happydays) or email a picture everyday of something in your day that makes you happy.  This challenge is basically like a gratitude challenge and will help you appreciate the beautiful and wonderful things in your life.  I will be emailing in my happy moments each day but I will post one every week on my Instagram (@belleza_elegido).  Check out the challenge it has some great perks! Have a great day!


My first happy day post! Spongebob and video editing, the best way to start a morning! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Because You are Just a Baby...

Baby you are humanity,
naive and new
blinded by these flashy lights,
these soft folds
and all this glamorous facade.

Baby I am wisdom,

versed and learning
articulate and profound
I have viewed the world with critical eyes
eyes full of compassion and longing,
waiting for the moment that you wake.

Until then

I care for you
wait for you
love you
knowing that one day you will indeed realize the fault in your stars

until then

I will continue to clean up your messes
give you violent orgasms
rock you back to good health 
keep a smile on your face

until that day when you wake up and realize

You are no longer a baby.
Stand erect and walk in your totality.
