
Thursday, August 7, 2014

100 Happy Days Challenge!

Hey guys! Just wanted to do a quick post about the start of my 100 Happy Days Challenge.  Basically all you do is either post (on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the #100happydays) or email a picture everyday of something in your day that makes you happy.  This challenge is basically like a gratitude challenge and will help you appreciate the beautiful and wonderful things in your life.  I will be emailing in my happy moments each day but I will post one every week on my Instagram (@belleza_elegido).  Check out the challenge it has some great perks! Have a great day!


My first happy day post! Spongebob and video editing, the best way to start a morning! 

1 comment:

  1. So excited to join you on this! :) Posting mine later today <3
